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    Kelly1 1180 x 700
    Kelly3 1180 x 700
    Kelly4 1180 x 700


    by Matthew Ryan
    Director: Todd MacDonald
    Set & Costume Designer: Simone Romaniuk
    Lighting Designer: Ben Hughes
    Composer & Sound Designer: Guy Webster
    Photography © Rob Maccoll
    Cremorne Theatre, QPAC | National Tour | Queensland Theatre Company
    “… the always excellent Simone Romaniuk’s diamond-shaped set focuses the dynamic on the claustrophobic and constantly surveyed confines of a prison cell.”
    Sommer Tothill | Sydney Morning Herald

    “A very small, simple raised square platform that leaves room for extra audience seating to crowd in around it; it is the cell of Kelly, and the night before his execution; bare but for a bench and a blanket, a low slung metal grated roof and a guard walk suspended above it. It’s quite amazing how designer, Simone Romaniuk’s opened walled, minimalistic set could feel so close and claustrophobic in a room of a couple of hundred people…”
    Sonny Clarke | Aussie Theatre


